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Spring Grazing: Top Tips for Nourishing Your Horse as Seasons Change

Spring Grazing: Top Tips for Nourishing Your Horse as Seasons Change

As winter bids farewell and the vibrant hues of spring unfold, horse owners embark on a crucial transition in their equine care routines. Spring is a season of renewal and growth, and ensuring your horse receives the right nutrition during this period is essential for their health and vitality. In this blog, we'll explore top tips for feeding your horse this spring, guiding you through the nutritional considerations that accompany the blossoming of a new season. 1. Evaluate Pasture Conditions: Before adjusting your horse's diet, assess the state of your pasture. Spring grass is rich in nutrients, but its sugar...

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Chirping into Spring: Essential Tips for Early Chick Care

Chirping into Spring: Essential Tips for Early Chick Care

As the world awakens to the warmth of early spring, backyard poultry enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the arrival of new feathered additions. Raising chicks during this season requires thoughtful care and attention to ensure they thrive and grow into healthy, happy members of your flock. In this blog, we'll explore essential tips for early spring chick care, guiding you through the delicate process of nurturing these tiny bundles of fluff. 1. Cozy Brooding Setup: Create a warm and secure brooding environment for your chicks. Use a brooder lamp to maintain a temperature of around 95°F (35°C) initially, and gradually decrease it...

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How Supplements Can Benefit Your Horse

How Supplements Can Benefit Your Horse

Ideally, a natural grazing diet would meet all of your horse's nutritional needs, but that isn't always possible or practical. How, then, do you know if supplements are necessary, which ones may be best and how they can benefit your horse? Why You Might Need to Consider Supplements There are many reasons why adding supplements to your horse's diet may be helpful or even necessary. While every horse has different nutritional needs and not every horse will require supplements even in the same circumstances, factors that can influence a need for supplements include… Pasture Quality: If the only pasture available...

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Toxic Foods to Avoid Feeding Pets

Toxic Foods to Avoid Feeding Pets

Most pet owners are diligent about feeding their pets a healthy, nutritious diet. It can be tempting, however, to offer a pet a tasty treat, especially on a special day such as a holiday or the pet's birthday, or even as a reward for mastering a new trick or obeying a command. There are some foods, however, that can be toxic to pets and should never be offered, even in small quantities. The Effects of Toxic Foods on Pets Giving a pet inappropriate foods can have many possible consequences, from mildly uncomfortable side effects to dangerous, even deadly results. The...

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The Importance of Selecting Quality Hay

The Importance of Selecting Quality Hay

Whether you have horses, cattle, sheep, goats or other livestock, good quality hay is an essential part of their diet, and it is important to choose only the best hay to feed your animals. Why Good Hay Matters Depending on the animal, hay can make up 50 percent or more of its daily diet, and in winter, most grazing animals consume even more hay because their access to adequate pasture is restricted. The nutrition from hay is vital to keep the animal healthy, and to protect its digestive health. Poor quality hay could lead not only to digestive trouble, but...

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