Zoetis Large Animal Synovex C Calf Implant 100 Doses {10 Cartridges} Increase Growth & Weight Gain (100 Doses)


Synovex® One Feedlot and Synovex® One Grower beef implants provide your operation with up to 200 days of improved weight gain, and with Synovex One Feedlot you also get increased feed efficiency. They are the only true 200-day trenbolone acetate and estradiol implants for use in both steers and heifers. So you only need to use one applicator and one implant for all your cattle — providing labor savings and improved operational efficiency.

When you manage a cattle operation, it can feel like the burden of every decision rests on your shoulders. But a Synovex® beef implant program can offer some relief. Whether you manage a cow/calf, stocker or feedlot operation, there's a Synovex implant to elevate cattle performance and help you market the high-quality beef consumers demand.

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